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Singing Nettles

Wild Edibles

Stinging Nettles

First of the season and incredibly packed with nutrients; Stinging Nettle or Urtica diocia. The Nettle’s are fresh high quality hand picked tender tops.

Nettles are great for soups, stews, pesto, scrambled eggs and really anywhere you might use spinach or other greens, only so much higher in minerals and vitamins and are without any pesticide, herbicide or fertilizer contaminants.

Daily Value of 100 grams of cooked Nettles contain: 48% calcium, 40% Vitamin A, 14% magnesium, 8% Iron, 28% fiber and more! Definitely a super food and for vegans as an amazing source of calcium.

AND YES the nettles do sting if handled when raw, however with blanching and cooking they neutralize and greatly nourish the body. Using tongs to pull the nettles from the bag works great.


The nettles come fresh in large ziplock bags @ $20 a bag or 2 for $35 ( see photos) Nettles freeze well, and this is the time to preserve as the window of harvest and availability is short.

Nettles are available seasonally, usually March and April. Please email Teresa to be added to the mailing list.

Available South Surrey, Crescent Beach and White Rock