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Forest Alchemy

One on One or Group Forest Walks and Hikes

Integrated and interactive forest walks that are designed to bring about a greater intimacy with the sentience of the plants and creatures that we dwell among. Identification of plants and plant properties, listening for bird song and observing other signs of forest dwellers, coupled with a visceral experience utilizing all the senses; help nurture a curiosity and this sense of connection. Participants glean both practical knowledge and potentially expanded ways to experience the natural world.

Forest Alchemy – 2

Feeling, Forage and Finding

Custom cultivated half or whole day excursion of foraging, feeling and finding on a west coast trail, wooded areas, and can include water, creeks, rivers or waterfalls. Your day will consist of guided mediation, Chi Kung, journaling and exercises to deepen your connection to self and nature, opportunity for plant identification, and usage and exploration of exquisite areas of west coast beauty. Created with you and your needs and specific curiosity in mind.

Half Day $165 includes 4 hours emersion of all of the above, snacks and take home handouts.

Full Day $275 includes nutritious snacks that make use of locally foraged food, lunch, time for soft an quiet reflecting

In addition to the information gleaned on the walk or hike, your take away from either Full and Half Days excursions will be mantras, meditations, and movements specific to you and your journey

Group Hikes or Walks Up to 5 to 6 People minimum 3

Half Day $75 each

Full Day $125 each