Dream Group
Founding Member of Pacific Northwest Dream Group, Mentored by Dr. Diane Greig (2009) Dream Group Facilitator PNWDG (2017)
Teresa began to host and facilitate monthly dream groups in 2017 utilizing a Jungian and Transpersonal Lens that was passed to her through her Mentor Dr Diane Grieg. For more information please email Teresa
The style of relating dreams in a circle that Dr Rickards introduced, allows each member to express feelings that come up regarding another’s dream, while remembering that the dream belongs to the dreamer. When any group member responds to another’s dream, they share from the perspective of the “If this was my dream”. This allows a feeling of freedom to share dreams and glean teachings or insights from the other, without feeling imposed upon by opinion.
One of the gifts of group dream sharing is that each member contributes their own brand of wisdom and insights. This quality provids reflections that are rich and diverse, and at the same time often very cohesive and complimentary. This sharing can give a fresh perspective to ponder and a plethora of insight to explore within one’s own personal dream mythology.
For me and others I have had the privilege of sharing time with within a dream group, we have found that the exploring of dreams together augmented and accelerated personal growth. Examining my life’s processes and personal dynamics through the use of dream work, opened up new avenues of expression and created the ability for me to navigate with more ease in this world.
If you are interested in participating in a dream group please email Teresa for more information.
Reflecting On The Night Sky Can Be a Bit Like Following Our Dreams; Finding Our Place in the Cosmos…. a place to ponder and reflect.
The following is such an expression.

A few years ago a friend bought me a day book that integrates astronomy and astrology; the study of movement, momentum, cycles, events of celestial bodies, and their relationship to the earth. It sparked a deeper interest that continues, and it helps me keep in touch with this vast amazing universe we live in, our interrelationship with its systems, and something more, with the wonder and the mystery.
Our interconnection to all life on earth and to the cosmos, feels to me inherent in our DNA. However we might be numbed by disconnection from the natural world, this cyclical play of our planet and all the cosmos continues to thrive, and we are touched by it regardless of our awareness.
I like that historically all people from all corners of the earth observed the night sky. Utilizing the stars’ positions to navigate lands and sea, telling us when to plant or harvest crops, or when it was time to move on; our mythmakers, storytellers, and singers wove tales around these related galactic movements, helping us to both honour and remember all these interrelationships with ourselves and with our mother planet.
While stories vary from culture to culture they all invite us to explore the celestial realms. Often, like with an inspired astrological storytelling, these instructional tales provide us with footprints to follow, something to help us on our journeys, both literally and figuratively.

There are 12 times more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way
Through observation of celestial movements; the moon and sun cycles, solstices, the equinox, lunar and solar eclipses, the noticing of the interplay of the planets through the nighttime constellations, woven with our ability to imagine, it seems possible to develop a deepening kinship to these systems and to the visions of life beyond the boundaries of our daytime eyes. This is an invitation to go out and connect with the night sky. See which paths upon the milky way you might embark and how by connecting with this celestial wonder, we have potential to expand our concepts, our natural energy and the universe within.
Be witness to the starry sky potential.