To Celebrate Love

Teresa is a Celebrant for Weddings, Celebrations of Life, Birth Blessings and more. She works to incorporate ceremonial practices that deepen human connection to themselves, to each other, and with the earth and all her sentient beings.
Teresa has found that often people are looking for alternatives to the expected norms and she delights working with others to discover what brings meaning to their special and sometimes very transitional gatherings.
Please email Teresa for information on her services and details on how to cultivate a ceremony that is unique to you, your circle of family and friends.
‘With Teresa as your celebrant you are in good hands. Her wide open arms reveal a heart so big it contains all the emotions and energy that has brought you together – joy, wonder, sorrow, beauty, mystery, love, loss… She becomes you, your loved one, your family and friends converting into words, symbols and ritual what everyone is experiencing.’ ~ Al Etmanski, recipient of the Order of Canada and the Order of British Columbia