Mandala Clay Play
Darts Hill Garden Park — Saturday August 19 @ 1:30 pm

Super Excited to share with you that Artist Jasmeen Virk from the PLOT will be joining me on Saturday August 19 @ 1:30 pm for a meditative, creative and playful participatory public art event. Relax, connect with nature and enjoy the beauty of the gardens in a shaded wooded area while you create a mandala that will become part of a greater exhibit.
All materials supplied. Free Event.
If you have time for a wee break to chill and connect with nature join me Friday August 18 @ 11 am at Darts Hill Garden Park 16 Avenue and 168 St, parking off 16 at 170 St.
The walk will begin with a nature related Chi Kung informed meditation and movement, followed by reflective walking, with a portion of the walk dedicated to sharing passed down teachings regarding plant foraging and protocol, plus many informational bits and bites of uses both wild and domestic for food and simple medicine. No experience needed, just a curiosity and thirst for nature.